The following people have been awarded Life Membership of the Kerang & District Agricultural Society in recognition of their outstanding service and contribution to the Society and its members
F.W. Murphy
W.A. Milvain
P. Kirby
E.G. Denyer
C.S. Greenwood
F.S. Crozier
H.S. McFarlane
H.F. Robinson
R.G. Shipp
F.G. Morris
A.O. Hewitt
A. Morton
L. Fowler
Richard Shipp
T.A. Kendall
A.F. Morris
J.R. Poole
G.A. Radcliffe
D.R. McFarlane
K. Chamberlain
R. Lake
G. W. Robinson
K.B. Farley
G.A. Farley
P. Collins
A. Bott
R. McNeil
S.C. Kerr
R.H. McFarlane
Mrs S. Poole
Mrs. E.A. McNeil
J.D. Poole
G.A. Morris
Mrs L. Marshall
Presidents of the Kerang & District Agricultural Society
C. Yeo
W.J. Patchell
J. Cullen Jnr.
D. McDonald
Thos. Peel
T. Hogan
F. Westblade
W. Rankin
W. Dowling
Jas. Troy
G. Cox
F. Murphy
H.F. Robinson
F.J. Taverner
P. Kirby
F.G. Morris
F.A. Milvain
H.F. Robinson
A.S. Muir
F.S. Crozier
F.W. Murphy
H.L Forster
A. J Morton
H.S. McFarlane
E. O. Manuel
F.G. Morris
G.A. Theobold
L. Fowler
D.J. Smith
H.F. Robinson
T.C. Richardson
C.H. Collins
A.S. Muir
M. McDonald
G.G. Hall
H. Lester-Smith
A.J. Morton
J.T.G. Long
M. Taverner
J.R. McDonald
G.S. Jobling
H.C. Murray
D.R. McFarlane
J.R. Poole
T.A. Kendall
A.O. Hewitt
Richard Shipp
M. McDonald
H.K. Chamberlain
A.F. Morris
F.S. Cockroft
J.R. Poole
R.C. Lake
G.A. Radcliffe
H.K. Chamberlain
E.L Pay
K.B. Farley
A.B. Chalmers
E.R. Jones
P. Collins
T.A. Kendall
A.W. Bott
R.H. McFarlane
R. Lake
J.R. Poole
J.W. English
G.A. Radcliffe
R. McNeil
P. Collins
K.B. Farley
R.H. McFarlane
J.W. English
R.C. Lake
R.C. Lake
S.C. Kerr
S.C. Kerr
R. McNeil
J.D. Poole
J.D. Poole
G.A. Morris
G.A. Morris
S.C. Kerr
S.C. Kerr
S.C Kerr
R. McNeil
R. McNeil
G. Davey
S.C. Kerr
R.H. McFarlane
R.H. McFarlane
G.A. Morris
G.A. Morris
J.D. Poole
J.D. Poole
J.D. Poole
G.K. Davey
G.K. Davey
G.K. Davey
G.K. Davey
J.D. Poole
J.D. Poole
J.D. Poole
J.D. Poole
S. Ash
S. Ash
KDAS Committee 1994Life Members 1994Ladies Committee 1994